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 All ATV's, UTV's, ORV's or any other recreational vehicle must have current registration.  This will be enforced by the DNR, with violations being subject to fines.


All Children under the Age of 16 must be in visual and audible contact  of a person 18 years or older at ALL TIMES per Iowa Code. Our main concern is unsupervised children riding in the pit area, where there is a lot of truck and trailer activity. Keeping everyone safe is our MAIN priority.​



General Information:


  • Green Flag – Start of Race. 

  • Red Flag – Stop immediately and maintain position on track.

  • Black Flag – Penalty or Disqualification; go directly to the tech area and stop, personnel will determine penalty.

  • White Flag – One lap remaining.

  • Checkered Flag – End of race.

  • Yellow Flag – Slow down and avoid any obstacles; proceed single file without passing. One lap penalty for passing on yellow flag. 

  • Blue Flag w/yellow stripe – You are being lapped; move out of the main line to let leaders by.  Blocking of a faster snowmobile is grounds for disqualification at the discretion of race director.


Absolutely no crossing of the track on foot or by machine is allowed during runs or race.  Track personnel will assist any person or sled across the track during a yellow flag lap; this includes towing to the pit area.  If your sled stops running for any reason, move the sled to the inside of race track, if possible, to avoid causing danger to other racers.  Then signal one of our official tow vehicles to get towed to the pit area.


Any driver pushing, bumping, or hitting, if deemed intentional, can be subject to disqualification by race director.  Drivers exhibiting foolish, dangerous, or unsportsmanlike driving can be subject to disqualification at the discretion of the race director.  If driver stops for any reason, it is his first duty to move the snowmobile off the track, as to not cause danger to other racers.


Starting Procedure:  The start of all races will be LeMans style.  Machines will be driven to the starting line and then turned off.  Drivers will meet at the designated starting area.  When the start signal is given, all racers will run to their machines, attach tether, start machine, and commence racing. (Procedure subject to change by race officials.)


Race Lengths:

  • 2 Laps

    • Youth Class - Age 9-11

    • 1973 and Older Classes​

  • 3 Laps

    • Youth Class - Age 12-17

    • Old Timer’s Class (drivers 50 and older)

    • 80+ Class (age of driver & sled add to 80 or more)

    • Powder Puff Class (ladies only)

    • Trail Stock Class

    • 1985 and Older Classes

  • 5 Laps

    • 1996 and Older Classes

    • Current and Older Classes

  • Stud Boy Challenge race will be minimum of 25 laps.  Actual number of laps to be determined on race day, based on track conditions and time available, by race officials.


Note:  Race officials reserve the right to change the length of the race or track design due to track conditions, weather, or other circumstances on race day.


Protesting a Competitor’s Sled:  If you wish to protest a competitor’s sled, you must put up $250.00 to the race director.  Then it is $250.00 per item protested; there is no general protest, and no engine teardown.  Carb size can be measured.  If the protested sled is found to be illegal, the protest fee will be refunded.  If not, you forfeit the protest fee to the club sponsoring the race.  Any protested sled owner that passes the protest may be given a portion of the protest fee, to offset any costs incurred, at the discretion of the race director.


Penalties/Disqualifications:  Any penalties or disqualifications determined by race officials will be accepted by the participants and will be uncontestable.


Entry Fee Refunds:  No refunds given after conclusion of practice sessions.  Once you enter the track for practice, you forfeit your entry fee.  You may walk the track prior to practice to determine if you feel the track is safe.


Snowmobile Operation:

  • No major repairs allowed on track.

  • If sled breaks down, driver should attempt to get sled into infield and wait for tow vehicle.  Driver can change belt or plugs in the infield and re-enter the race.

  • Excessive speed or horseplay in the pit area will not be tolerated.

  • Snowmobile needs to be on a safety stand in the pit area or on starting line for warm-ups.  All safety stands must have a backboard.  Tether must be attached to wrist whenever sled is running.






  • Must be production line model, offered to the public during model year or earlier.  Exception for open classes.

  • No limited production R&D models.

  • No performance kits.

  • Tether switch is mandatory, and must be working before, during, and after the race.  Tether must be clipped to clothing or glove.  This will be strictly enforced.

  • Kill switch must be working in addition to tether switch, and be mounted on the right hand side of handle bar only.



  • Motor must be available option for the chassis entered in the race.

  • Carburetors are original style for make and model; re-jetting is permissible.  If you have a non-diaphragm carburetor, you must be able to prove this was original equipment.

  • Exhaust must be original or stock replacement.  Aftermarket cans are allowed.  No pipes.

  • Clutches must be original style; stock replacements are allowed (e.g. Comet, Duster, etc.).

  • Chain case and entire drive system must be original style; gearing changes are allowed.

  • Any style belt is allowed.



  • Skis can be original, stock replacement, or newer upgrade.  Minimum ski length is 20”.

  • Ski loops must be fastened securely to skis at the start of the race.

  • Carbide runners are allowed

  • Spreaders are allowed to 3” per side.

  • Snow flaps must be in place.

  • Headlight lenses should be taped if glass.

  • Tail light must be in working order.


Fuel Tank:

  • Must be factory style fuel tank, and secured safely.

  • Any fabricated tank has to pass tech inspection before being allowed to race.



  • Hood must be securely fastened.

  • OEM appearing hood.  No lightweight hoods to weight savings (except open classes).



  • Must be original or same style offered for the model and year of the particular sled from the factory.  Shock changes are OK.

  • Front suspension maximum ski stance is 43.5”.

  • Minimum suspension travel of 2” will be measured at front and rear bumper.



  • Must be original style or aftermarket replacement.  Handlebars may be reinforced.  Hooks are allowed.

  • No home-made handlebars.



  • Original, stock replacement or any aftermarket.

  • Any machines that had cleats from the factory must be riveted on and not bolted.  They cannot be sharpened, ends cannot be welded shut, and they must be original size & design.

  • Carbide studs OK.  Ice picks allowed, but maximum clearance above track lug is 3/8”.



  • Seat must be stock appearing.  No late model seats, no springs or suspension seats.  Absolutely no risers, no extra foam, no cut down seat for weight saving (except open classes).



  • Must be 18 years of age or older; picture ID with date of birth required at race registration.  Youth classes (17 years old and under) must have parental consent and a youth liability waiver form signed by parent and participant.

  • Helmet with shield or goggles is mandatory, no exceptions.

  • Chest protector is strongly recommended for all classes; required in open classes.

  • All decisions of race officials will be accepted unconditionally.

  • No alcohol or drugs to be consumed by driver during the event.

  • Must provide own fire extinguisher in pit area.



Reminder: no alcohol can be consumed by racers or pit crew during the event. 

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